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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1620
  • Kun: おと.る
  • On: レツ
  • Meaning: inferiority, be inferior to, be worse
  • Examples:
    劣勢れっせいnumerical inferiority
    劣るおとるto fall behind, to be inferior to
    劣悪れつあくinferiority, coarseness
    劣化れっかdeterioration, degradation
    卑劣ひれつmean, foul play, cowardly, base
    優劣ゆうれつ(relative) merits, superiority or inferiority, quality
    劣等感れっとうかんinferiority complex
    劣らずおとらずwith the best of them, as the next fellow
    に劣らずにおとらずjust like, the same as, no different than
    見劣りみおとりunfavourable comparison, unfavorable comparison