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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:693
  • Kun: わ
  • On: リン
  • Meaning: wheel, ring, circle, link, loop, counter for wheels and flowers
  • Examples:
    ring, circle, loop; hoop; wheel
    五輪ごりんthe Olympics
    競輪けいりんbicycle race; bicycle racing
    指輪ゆびわ(finger) ring
    車輪しゃりん(car) wheel
    四輪車よんりんしゃautomobile, car
    輪郭りんかくcontours, outlines, features, border
    二輪車にりんしゃtwo wheeled vehicle (bicycle, motorcycle, etc.)
    両輪りょうりんtwo wheels
    花輪はなわwreath, garland