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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:722
  • Kun: のぞ.む
  • On: リン
  • Meaning: look to, face, meet, confront, attend, call on
  • Examples:
    臨時りんじtemporary, special, extraordinary
    臨床りんしょうclinical (e.g. pathology, physiology)
    臨海りんかいcoastal, seaside, oceanfront, maritime
    君臨くんりんreigning, controlling; to reign, to dictate, to control
    臨界りんかいcritical (pressure, temperature, state, point)
    臨戦りんせんpreparing for action or battle
    臨むのぞむto look out on; to face; to deal with; to attend (e.g. function)
    臨機応変りんきおうへんadapting oneself to the requirements of the moment, playing it by ear, ad hoc
    臨検りんけんon-the-spot investigation or inspection, raid