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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:501
  • Kun: よ.い, -よ.い, い.い, -い.い
  • On: リョウ
  • Meaning: good, pleasing, skilled
  • Examples:
    りょうgood; B grade (in an A, B, C ... system)
    良かったらよかったらif you like
    良いよい, いいgood, excellent, fine, nice, pleasant, agreeable; sufficient (can be used to turn down an offer), ready, prepared; profitable (e.g. deal, business offer, etc.), beneficial; OK
    良さよさmerit, virtue, good quality
    不良ふりょうbadness, inferiority, delinquency, failure, defect, blemish
    改良かいりょうimprovement, reform
    優良ゆうりょうsuperior, excellent, fine
    良好りょうこうfavorable, favourable, satisfactory
    良きよきgoodness; good
    仲良くなかよくmaking friends with, getting along well with, on cordial terms