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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2036
  • Kun: nan
  • On: リュウ, ル
  • Meaning: precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli
  • Examples:
    琉璃るりlapis lazuli; lapis lazuli (color); beryl; mall blue passerine bird (esp. the blue-and-white flycatcher and the Siberian blue robin, but also the red-flanked bluetail); glass
    琉球列島りゅうきゅうれっとうRyuukyuu (Ryukyu) Islands
    琉球諸島りゅうきゅうしょとうRyuukyuu (Ryukyu) Islands
    琉球音階りゅうきゅうおんかいOkinawan scale (hemitonic pentatonic scale: do, mi, fa, so, ti)
    琉球語りゅうきゅうごRyukyuan languages
    琉歌りゅうかOkinawan fixed form poetry