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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2108
  • Kun: さきがけ, かしら
  • On: カイ
  • Meaning: charging ahead of others
  • Examples:
    さきがけcharging ahead of others, the first to charge, pioneer, forerunner, harbinger
    魁偉かいいbrawny, muscular, impressive, gigantic
    巨魁きょかいringleader, chief
    渠魁きょかいringleader, chief
    首魁しゅかいforerunner, ringleader
    花魁おいらんcourtesan, prostitute
    花魁道中おいらんどうちゅうprocession of courtesans
    容貌魁偉ようぼうかいい(a man) having a commanding face and a powerful physique