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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:102
  • Kun: く.る, きた.る, きた.す, き.たす, き.たる, き, こ
  • On: ライ, タイ
  • Meaning: come, due, next, cause, become
  • Examples:
    らいnext (year, etc.); since (last month, etc.)
    以来いらいsince, henceforth
    従来じゅうらいup to now, so far, traditional, existing (e.g. equipment)
    将来しょうらいfuture (usually near), prospects
    来年らいねんnext year
    本来ほんらいessentially, naturally, by nature, in (and of) itself, originally
    来月らいげつnext month
    来日らいにちarrival in Japan, coming to Japan, visit to Japan
    未来みらいthe future (usually distant); future tense; the world to come
    来春らいしゅん, らいはるnext spring