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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1493
  • Kun: ふところ, なつ.かしい, なつ.かしむ, なつ.く, なつ.ける, なず.ける, いだ.く, おも.う
  • On: カイ, エ
  • Meaning: pocket, feelings, heart, yearn, miss someone, become attached to, bosom, breast
  • Examples:
    ふところbosom, bust; (breast) pocket, purse, handbag
    懐疑かいぎdoubt, skepticism, scepticism, disbelief
    懐かしいなつかしいdear, desired, missed
    懐かしむなつかしむto yearn for (miss) someone (thing)
    懐中電灯かいちゅうでんとうelectric torch, flashlight
    懐石料理かいせきりょうりtea-ceremony dishes; traditional Japanese meal brought in courses
    懐刀ふところがたなconfidant, right-hand man, dagger
    懐古かいこrecalling the old days, nostalgia, reminiscences
    懐中時計かいちゅうとけい, かいちゅうどけいpocket watch