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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:834
  • Kun: おさ.える
  • On: ヨク
  • Meaning: repress, well, now, in the first place, push, shove, press, seal, do in spite of
  • Examples:
    抑えるおさえるto pin something down, to hold something down, to hold something back, to stop, to restrain, to curb; to seize, to grasp, to arrest; to gain control of something, to govern, to keep down (e.g. information), to suppress; to catch happening, to determine (important points), to find (proof), to understand
    抑えおさえweight (e.g. paperweight), rear guard, control, check, pressure
    抑制よくせいcontrol, restraint, suppression, constraint, curtailment, inhibition, check, curb
    抑留よくりゅうinternment, detainment, detention
    抑止よくしcheck, checkmate, stave off, control, restraint, inhibit
    抑圧よくあつcheck, restraint, oppression, suppression
    そもそもin the first place, to begin with, from the start, originally, ab initio
    抑揚よくようintonation, accent, modulation, inflection
    抑うつよくうつdejection, depression
    抑抑そもそもin the first place, to begin with, from the start, originally, ab initio