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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1213
  • Kun: nan
  • On: ヨウ
  • Meaning: hug, embrace, possess, protect, lead
  • Examples:
    擁立ようりつback, support
    擁護ようごprotection, advocacy, support, defence, championship, vindication; to protect (e.g. rights, etc.), to advocate (e.g. free trade, etc.), to support
    擁するようするto have, to possess
    抱擁ほうようembrace, hug, holding in one's arms
    擁壁ようへきretaining wall (civil engineering)
    人権擁護じんけんようごprotection of human rights
    擁護論ようごろんchampionship, defense (e.g. of a position in debate), apologetics