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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2038
  • Kun: nan
  • On: ヨウ
  • Meaning: commonplace, ordinary, employment
  • Examples:
    凡庸ぼんようmediocre, banality, commonplace
    中庸ちゅうようmiddle way, (golden) mean, moderation, middle path; the Doctrine of the Mean - one of the Four Books
    庸愚ようぐmediocrity, imbecility
    庸人ようじんcommon man
    登庸とうようappointment, assignment, promotion
    租庸調そようちょうcorvee, taxes in kind or service (former tax system)
    庸君ようくんstupid ruler
    庸才ようさいmediocre talent
    凡庸愚昧ぼんようぐまいordinary and ignorant, mediocre and stupid