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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:981
  • Kun: あず.ける, あず.かる
  • On: ヨ
  • Meaning: deposit, custody, leave with, entrust to
  • Examples:
    預金よきんdeposit, bank account
    定期預金ていきよきんterm deposit, (fixed) time deposit
    預貯金よちょきんdeposits and savings, bank account
    普通預金ふつうよきんordinary bank account
    預け入れるあずけいれるto make a deposit
    預かりあずかりunder custody, under supervision; undecided match, draw, tie
    預けるあずけるto give into custody, to leave (a child) in the care of, to entrust, to deposit; to lean on, to put one's weight on
    預かるあずかるto look after, to take care of, to keep, to hold on to, to keep in custody; to take charge of, to be entrusted with, to receive on deposit; to reserve (judgment), to leave undecided
    預かり証あずかりしょうclaim check, baggage check, luggage check, deposit receipt