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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1799
  • Kun: なお
  • On: ユウ, ユ
  • Meaning: furthermore, still, yet
  • Examples:
    執行猶予しっこうゆうよstay of execution, suspended sentence
    猶予ゆうよpostponement, deferment, extension (of time)
    起訴猶予きそゆうよsuspension of indictment, leaving charge on the file
    なおfurthermore, still, yet, more, still more, greater, further, less
    猶あらじなおあらじmust not be concluded like this, shall not finish like this
    猶太ユダヤ, ゆだやJudea (southern Palestine), Jews
    猶子ゆうしnephew (like a son), another child considered as one's own
    猶予なくゆうよなくwithout delay, promptly
    昼猶暗いひるなおくらいdark even in the daytime
    猶疑問が存なおぎもんがそんA doubt still remains