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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2070
  • Kun: わ.く
  • On: ユウ, ヨウ, ユ
  • Meaning: boil, ferment, seethe, uproar, breed
  • Examples:
    湧水ゆうすいwelling of water
    湧出ゆうしゅつ, ようしゅつgushing out, welling up, springing up
    湧くわくto well (up), to gush forth (of water), to spring out, to surge; to appear (esp. suddenly) (sweat, tears, etc.); to hatch (esp. of parasitic insects, etc.)
    湧き出すわきだすto gush out
    湧き上がるわきあがるto boil up, to come to the boil, to seethe; to arise, to break out; to get excited, to be in uproar
    湧き上るわきあがるto boil up, to come to the boil, to seethe; to arise, to break out; to get excited, to be in uproar
    湧き立つわきたつto boil up, to ferment, to seethe
    湧き起こるわきおこるto well up, to burst, to arise
    湧き起るわきおこるto well up, to burst, to arise
    湧き出るわきでるto gush forth