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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:282
  • Kun: あ.る
  • On: ユウ, ウ
  • Meaning: possess, have, exist, happen, occur, approx
  • Examples:
    ゆうexistence; possession, having; limited company
    有効ゆうこうvalidity, legality, availability, effectiveness
    有力ゆうりょくinfluential, prominent; strong, likely, plausible, potent
    有権者ゆうけんしゃvoter, constituent, (electoral) franchise-holder, (the) electorate, eligible voters
    有名ゆうめいfamous; fame
    保有ほゆうpossession, retention, maintenance
    有利ゆうりadvantageous, better, profitable, lucrative
    所有しょゆうone's possessions, ownership
    有罪ゆうざいguilt, culpability
    有価証券ゆうかしょうけんmarketable securities, stocks and bonds