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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1625
  • Kun: うれ.える, うれ.い, う.い, う.き
  • On: ユウ
  • Meaning: melancholy, grieve, lament, be anxious, sad, unhappy
  • Examples:
    憂慮ゆうりょanxiety, concern, fear
    一喜一憂いっきいちゆうnow rejoicing, now worrying, swinging from joy to sorrow, glad and sad by turns, alternating hope and fear, unable to put one's mind at ease
    憂えるうれえるto grieve, to lament, to be anxious, to be distressed
    憂き目うきめbitter experience, misery, distress, grief, sad thoughts, hardship
    憂いうれいgrief, distress, sorrow
    杞憂きゆうabsurd fear, needless anxiety
    憂さうさgloom, melancholy
    内憂外患ないゆうがいかんtroubles both at home and abroad
    憂いういunhappy, sad, gloomy