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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1996
  • Kun: ふか.い, かす.か, くら.い, しろ.い
  • On: ユウ, ヨウ
  • Meaning: seclude, confine to a room, deep, profound, secluded, faint, dark, tranquil, calm
  • Examples:
    幽霊ゆうれいghost, specter, spectre, apparition, phantom
    幽すゆうすto confine to a room
    幽かかすかfaint, dim, weak, indistinct, hazy, poor, wretched
    幽しかそけしfaint, fleeting
    幽閉ゆうへいconfinement, imprisonment, incarceration, house arrest, depressed feeling
    幽暗ゆうあんdark and secluded
    幽界ゆうかいhades, realm of the dead
    幽閑ゆうかんquiet and secluded
    幽鬼ゆうきghost, revenant, spirit (of the dead), departed soul