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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:727
  • Kun: こわ.す, こわ.れる, やぶ.る
  • On: カイ, エ
  • Meaning: demolition, break, destroy
  • Examples:
    崩壊ほうかいcollapse, crumbling, breaking down, caving in; decay (physics)
    破壊はかいdestruction, disruption; (application) crash
    壊滅かいめつdestruction, annihilation, devastation, catastrophe
    壊すこわすto break, to destroy, to demolish; to wreck, to ruin, to spoil, to damage; to break (a bill, etc.)
    壊れるこわれるto be broken, to break; to fall through, to come to nothing
    損壊そんかいdamage, destruction
    取り壊しとりこわしdemolition, pulling down, destruction, dismantling
    倒壊とうかいdestruction, collapse
    取り壊すとりこわすto demolish, to tear or pull down