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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1169
  • Kun: やなぎ
  • On: リュウ
  • Meaning: willow
  • Examples:
    やなぎ, ようりゅうwillow (any tree of genus Salix); weeping willow (Salix babylonica)
    川柳せんりゅうcomic haiku
    青柳あおやぎ, あおやなぎgreen willow (i.e. one that has budded); meat of the trough shell (Mactra chinensis)
    花柳かりゅうred-light district
    りゅうChinese "Willow" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
    柳びりゅうびbeautiful eyebrows
    柳刃包丁やなぎばぼうちょうkitchen knife for sashimi
    花柳界かりゅうかいred-light district, pleasure quarters, world of the geisha, demimonde
    花柳病かりゅうびょうsexually transmitted disease, social disease
    蒲柳ほりゅうpurple willow, infirmity, delicate constitution