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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:94
  • Kun: nan
  • On: ヤク
  • Meaning: promise, approximately, shrink
  • Examples:
    契約けいやくcontract, compact, agreement
    条約じょうやくtreaty, pact
    公約こうやくpublic commitment or promise
    約束やくそくarrangement, promise, appointment, pact, engagement; convention, rule
    予約よやくreservation, appointment, booking, advance order; contract, subscription, pledge
    制約せいやくlimitation, restriction, condition, constraints
    規約きやくagreement, rules, code, protocol, convention
    婚約こんやくengagement, betrothal
    締約ていやくconclusion of a treaty
    解約かいやくcancellation of contract