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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2152
  • Kun: もち, もちい
  • On: ヘイ, ヒョウ
  • Meaning: mochi rice cake
  • Examples:
    もち, もちい, かちん, あもsticky rice cake
    あんもち, あんもmochi rice cake with red bean jam filling, mochi rice cake covered in red bean jam; mochi rice cake
    お餅おもちrice cakes, pounded mochi rice
    餅つきもちつきpounding mochi
    わらび餅わらびもちbracken-starch dumpling (type of dumpling traditionally made using bracken starch)
    きなこ餅きなこもちmochi sprinkled with soy flour
    餅いなりもちいなりsticky rice wrapped in deep-fried tofu
    安倍川餅あべかわもちrice cakes (mochi) with Kinako
    牡丹餅ぼたもちAdzuki bean mochi
    画餅がべい, がへいfailure, fiasco, rice-cake painting, collapse, something of little value