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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2127
  • Kun: かしら
  • On: モウ, ボウ, ミョウ
  • Meaning: chief, beginning
  • Examples:
    孟子もうしMencius (Meng Zi) (371-289BCE); the Discourses of Mencius - one of the Four Books
    孔孟こうもうConfucius and Mencius
    孔孟の教えこうもうのおしえthe teachings of Confucius and Mencius
    孟夏もうかbeginning of summer; fourth month of the lunar calendar
    孟春もうしゅんbeginning of spring; first month of the lunar calendar
    孟女もうじょeldest daughter
    論孟ろんもうThe Confucian Analects and the Discourses of Mencius
    孟母三遷もうぼさんせんthe importance of creating an environment conducive to a child's learning (lit: Mencius' mother, three moves)
    孟秋もうしゅうbeginning of autumn; seventh month of the lunar calendar
    孟冬もうとうbeginning of winter; tenth month of the lunar calendar