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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:0
  • Kun: むく
  • On: リョウ
  • Meaning: type of deciduous tree, grey starling
  • Examples:
    むくのき, むく, ムクノキAphananthe oriental elm (Aphananthe aspera), mukutree
    椋鳥むくどり, ムクドリgrey starling (gray), white-cheeked starling (Sturnus cineraceus); starling (any bird of family Sturnidae); bumpkin, gullible person; sixty-nine (sexual position)
    星椋鳥ほしむくどり, ホシムクドリcommon starling, European starling (Sturnus vulgaris)
    大黒椋鳥擬おおくろむくどりもどき, オオクロムクドリモドキcommon grackle (Quiscalus quiscula)
    椋木むくのき, むく, ムクノキAphananthe oriental elm (Aphananthe aspera), mukutree
    椋の木むくのき, むく, ムクノキAphananthe oriental elm (Aphananthe aspera), mukutree
    小椋鳥こむくどりred-cheeked myna (Sturnus phillippensis), violet-backed starling