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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:515
  • Kun: み.ちる, み.つ, み.たす
  • On: マン, バン
  • Meaning: full, fullness, enough, satisfy
  • Examples:
    不満ふまんdissatisfaction, displeasure, discontent, complaints, unhappiness, disgruntled
    満塁まんるいbases loaded (baseball)
    未満みまんless than, insufficient
    満足まんぞくsatisfaction; sufficiency
    満たすみたすto satisfy, to ingratiate, to fulfill; to fill (e.g. a cup); to reach (a certain number)
    満員まんいんfull house, no vacancy, sold out, standing room only, full (of people), crowded
    満了まんりょうexpiration, termination
    満点まんてんperfect score
    肥満ひまんcorpulence, fatness, obesity
    満々まんまんfull of, brimming with