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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1110
  • Kun: う.める, う.まる, う.もれる, うず.める, うず.まる, い.ける
  • On: マイ
  • Meaning: bury, be filled up, embedded
  • Examples:
    埋めるうめるto bury (e.g. in the ground); to fill up (e.g. audience fills a hall), to fill (a seat, a vacant position); to plug gaps, to stop a gap; to make amends, to cover up for something; to put cold water in a bath; to cover, to scatter something over
    埋蔵まいぞうburied property, treasure trove
    穴埋めあなうめfilling in gaps, filling in blanks (in a form, etc.)
    埋め立て地うめたてちreclaimed land
    埋め立てうめたてfilling up, reclamation
    埋まるうずまる, うまるto be buried, to be surrounded, to overflow, to be filled
    生き埋めいきうめburying alive
    埋設まいせつputting (laying) underground
    埋め立てるうめたてるto reclaim, to fill up