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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1465
  • Kun: ひるがえ.る, ひるがえ.す
  • On: ホン, ハン
  • Meaning: flip, turn over, wave, flutter, change (mind)
  • Examples:
    翻訳ほんやくtranslation; de-encryption, deciphering; rendering
    翻すひるがえすto turn over, to turn around; to change (one's mind), to reverse (one's decision), to take back (one's words); to fly (flag, etc.), to wave (skirt, cape, etc.)
    翻るひるがえるto turn over, to wave, to flutter
    翻意ほんいchange one's mind
    翻案ほんあんadaptation (of story, text)
    翻弄ほんろうto trifle with, to make sport of, to make fun of; to rack, to toss
    こぼしspilling, grumbling; waste-water container (tea ceremony)
    翻すこぼすto spill; to grumble
    翻しこぼしspilling, grumbling; waste-water container (tea ceremony)
    機械翻訳きかいほんやくmachine translation, mechanical translation, automatic translation