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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1283
  • Kun: nan
  • On: ボク
  • Meaning: slap, strike, hit, beat, tell, speak
  • Examples:
    相撲すもう, すまいsumo wrestling; sumo wrestler, rikishi
    大相撲おおずもうprofessional sumo wrestling
    打撲だぼくblow, hit (on the body), beating
    四つ相撲よつずもうsumo wrestling in which both wrestlers grasp the other's belt with both hands
    一人相撲ひとりずもうfighting (tilting at) windmills, working oneself up even though there really isn't anything to fight at; single-person mimicking a wrestling match
    相撲取りすもうとり, すまいとりsumo wrestler, rikishi
    撲るなぐるto strike, to hit
    相撲にならないすもうにならないis no match for, can't hold a candle to
    打撲傷だぼくしょうbruise, contusion