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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:829
  • Kun: われ, わ, わ.が-, わが-
  • On: ガ
  • Meaning: ego, I, selfish, our, oneself
  • Examples:
    われ, わ, あれ, あ, わぬ, わろI, me; oneself; you; prefix indicating familiarity or contempt
    我がわがmy, our, one's own
    我が国わがくにour country, our land, one's own country
    我が家わがや, わがいえour house, our home
    我慢がまんpatience, endurance, perseverance, tolerance, self-control, self-denial
    自我じがself, the ego
    無我夢中むがむちゅうbeing absorbed in, losing oneself in
    我らわれらwe, us; I, me; you (referring to a group of one's equals or inferiors)
    我が身わがみmyself, oneself