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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1293
  • Kun: ふく.らむ, ふく.れる
  • On: ボウ
  • Meaning: swell, get fat, thick
  • Examples:
    膨大ぼうだいhuge, bulky, enormous, extensive, swelling, expansion
    膨れるふくれるto get cross, to get sulky, to swell (out), to expand, to be inflated, to distend, to bulge
    膨張ぼうちょうexpansion, swelling, increase, growth
    膨らますふくらますto swell, to expand, to inflate, to bulge
    膨らむふくらむto expand, to swell (out), to get big, to become inflated
    膨らみふくらみswelling, bulge, puff
    下膨れしもぶくれround-faced, large at bottom
    青膨れあおぶくれdropsical (blue-green) swelling
    熱膨張係数ねつぼうちょうけいすうthermal expansion coefficient
    膨らし粉ふくらしこbaking powder