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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1475
  • Kun: いそが.しい, せわ.しい, おそ.れる, うれえるさま
  • On: ボウ, モウ
  • Meaning: busy, occupied, restless
  • Examples:
    忙しいいそがしい, せわしいbusy, hectic, occupied, engaged
    多忙たぼうbusy, pressure of work
    忙殺ぼうさつworked to death
    繁忙はんぼうpressure of business, busy
    忙しげせわしげlooking restless
    忙しないせわしないrestless, fidgety, in a hurry
    御多忙中ごたぼうちゅうin the midst of your work (often used as a formal phrase in business letters, etc.)
    ご多忙中ごたぼうちゅうin the midst of your work (often used as a formal phrase in business letters, etc.)
    煩忙はんぼうpressure of business, busy
    気忙しいきぜわしいrestless, fidgety, fussy