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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1780
  • Kun: あ.きる, あ.かす, あ.く
  • On: ホウ
  • Meaning: sated, tired of, bored, satiate
  • Examples:
    飽きるあきるto get tired of, to lose interest in, to have enough
    飽食ほうしょくgluttony, satiation, engorgement
    飽きあきweariness, tiresomeness
    飽かすあかすto glut, to satiate, to weary, to tire, to bore
    飽かずあかずwith untiring zeal
    飽くまであくまでto the end, to the bitter end, to the last, stubbornly, persistently, to the utmost
    飽きっぽいあきっぽいfickle, capricious, soon wearied of
    飽くまでもあくまでもto the last, persistency, thoroughness
    飽かぬあかぬunwearied, unwearying