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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:654
  • Kun: くに
  • On: ホウ
  • Meaning: home country, country, Japan
  • Examples:
    連邦れんぽうcommonwealth, federation of states
    邦人ほうじんfellow countryman; Japanese (nationals or residents)
    邦楽ほうがく(traditional) Japanese music
    東邦とうほうOriental country, the Orient
    邦画ほうがJapanese film
    邦訳ほうやくtranslation into Japanese
    本邦ほんぽうthis country, our country
    異邦人いほうじんforeigner, stranger, gentile
    友邦ゆうほうfriendly nation
    くにcountry, (the) state; region; province (of Japan); home (i.e. hometown, home country); land, earth