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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2286
  • Kun: ささ.げる
  • On: ホウ
  • Meaning: lift up, give, offer, consecrate, sacrifice, dedicate
  • Examples:
    捧げるささげるto lift up, to give, to offer, to consecrate, to devote, to sacrifice, to dedicate
    捧ぐささぐto lift up, to give, to offer, to consecrate, to devote, to sacrifice, to dedicate
    捧持ほうじbearing, presenting, holding up (emperor's picture)
    捧腹ほうふくconvulsed with laughter
    捧呈ほうていdedication, presentation, gift
    捧腹絶倒ほうふくぜっとうvery funny, laugh oneself into convulsions, split one's sides laughing
    捧げ物ささげものoffering, sacrifice
    捧げ銃ささげつつpresenting arms
    捧げ持つささげもつto hold something reverently with both hands
    命を捧げるいのちをささげるto give one's life (e.g. in battle), to devote one's life (e.g. to a cause)