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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:871
  • Kun: だ.く, いだ.く, かか.える
  • On: ホウ
  • Meaning: embrace, hug, hold in arms
  • Examples:
    抱えるかかえるto hold or carry under or in the arms; to have (esp. problems, debts, etc.); to employ, to engage, to hire
    抱負ほうふaspiration, ambition, pretension
    抱えかかえarmful; employee
    丸抱えまるがかえcompletely financed, sponsored, under patronage
    辛抱しんぼうpatience, endurance
    抱き合うだきあうto embrace each other
    辛抱強いしんぼうづよいpatient, persevering
    抱え込むかかえこむto hold (carry) a thing in one's arm, to embrace (a baby), to take upon oneself
    抱き上げるだきあげるto hold up in one's arms
    抱擁ほうようembrace, hug, holding in one's arms