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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1624
  • Kun: たてまつ.る, まつ.る, ほう.ずる
  • On: ホウ, ブ
  • Meaning: observance, offer, present, dedicate
  • Examples:
    奉仕ほうしattendance, service, ministry, church work
    奉行ぶぎょうmagistrate, shogunate administrator
    奉公ほうこうservice, apprenticeship, public duty
    信奉しんぽうbelief, faith
    奉納ほうのうdedication, offering, presentation, oblation
    町奉行まちぶぎょう(Edo-period) town magistrate
    奉じるほうじるto obey, to follow
    奉ずるほうずるto present, to dedicate, to obey, to follow, to believe in, to serve
    奉るたてまつる, まつるto offer, to present, to revere, to do respectfully
    供奉ぐぶaccompanying, being in attendance on