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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1898
  • Kun: たす.ける
  • On: ホ, フ
  • Meaning: help
  • Examples:
    輔けるたすけるto help, to save, to rescue, to give relief to, to spare (life), to reinforce, to promote, to abet
    輔くたすくto help, to save, to rescue
    輔すふすto appoint, to designate
    輔導ほどうguidance, protective custody
    輔弼ほひつgiving the Emperor advice on affairs of state, assistance, counsel
    輔翼ほよくaid, assistance
    輔佐ほさaid, help, assistance, assistant, counselor, counsellor, adviser, advisor
    唇歯輔車しんしほしゃmutual dependence
    輔星ほせいAlcor, the Little Horseman star