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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:428
  • Kun: あた.り, ほと.り, -べ
  • On: ヘン
  • Meaning: environs, boundary, border, vicinity
  • Examples:
    へんarea, vicinity; side (of triangle, rectangle, etc.); circumstances
    周辺しゅうへんcircumference, outskirts, environs, around, in the area of, in the vicinity of; (computer) peripheral
    一辺倒いっぺんとうcomplete devotion to one side
    辺りあたり, ほとりon the bank of, by the side of (e.g. a river, pond); (in the) neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity, nearby
    海辺うみべ, かいへんbeach, seashore
    身辺しんぺんone's person
    底辺ていへんbase (geometry, society)
    水辺すいへん, みずべwaterside, waterfront
    浜辺はまべbeach, foreshore
    辺境へんきょうremote region, frontier (district), border(land)