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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1340
  • Kun: かたよ.る
  • On: ヘン
  • Meaning: partial, side, left-side radical, inclining, biased
  • Examples:
    偏差値へんさちdeviation, deviation value; academic performance relative to the group average
    偏見へんけんprejudice, narrow view
    偏重へんちょう, へんじゅうpreponderance, making too much of, overestimation, overemphasis, attaching too much importance to
    偏りかたよりdeviation, inclination, offset, polarization, polarisation, bias, prejudice
    偏向へんこうpropensity, tendency, inclination, deflection
    偏るかたよるto be one-sided, to incline, to be partial, to be prejudiced, to lean, to be biased, to be biassed
    不偏不党ふへんふとうimpartiality, neutrality, independence
    偏狭へんきょうnarrow-mindedness, intolerance, illiberality, narrowness
    へんleft-hand radical of a character