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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1037
  • Kun: かべ
  • On: ヘキ
  • Meaning: wall, lining (stomach), fence
  • Examples:
    かべ, へきwall, barrier; Chinese "Wall" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
    障壁しょうへきenclosing wall, barrier
    壁画へきがfresco, mural, wall painting
    外壁がいへき, そとかべouter wall
    壁面へきめんsurface of a wall
    岸壁がんぺきwharf, breakwater, steep cliff
    城壁じょうへきrampart, castle walls
    壁紙かべがみwallpaper; wallpaper, background image, desktop image
    隔壁かくへきbarrier wall
    壁掛けかべかけwall-mounted ornament, wall hanging; wall-mounted, wall ...