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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:951
  • Kun: と.じる, と.ざす, し.める, し.まる, た.てる
  • On: ヘイ
  • Meaning: closed, shut
  • Examples:
    閉鎖へいさclosing, closure, shutdown, lockout, unsociable
    閉ざすとざすto shut, to close, to lock, to fasten, to plunge (in grief)
    閉会へいかいclosure (of a ceremony, event, meeting, etc.)
    閉幕へいまくfalling of the curtain, coming to an end
    閉じるとじるto close (e.g. book, eyes, meeting, etc.), to shut
    閉めるしめるto close, to shut
    閉店へいてんclosing shop
    開閉かいへいopening and shutting
    自閉症じへいしょうautism; autistic
    閉じこもるとじこもるto seclude oneself, to shut oneself away