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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:599
  • Kun: な.み, なら.べる, なら.ぶ, なら.びに
  • On: ヘイ, ホウ
  • Meaning: row, and, besides, as well as, line up, rank with, rival, equal
  • Examples:
    並立へいりつstanding abreast
    並びならびline, row, rank, list
    足並みあしなみpace, step
    並みなみaverage, medium, common, ordinary
    並びにならびにand (also), both ... and, as well as
    並木なみきroadside tree, row of trees
    平年並みへいねんなみaverage year, normal year
    町並みまちなみstreet (of stores and houses), townscape, (look of) stores and houses on street
    並行へいこう(going) side by side, concurrent, abreast, at the same time, occurring together, parallel, parallelism
    並ぶならぶto line up, to stand in a line; to rival, to match, to equal