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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:994
  • Kun: まぎ.れる, -まぎ.れ, まぎ.らす, まぎ.らわす, まぎ.らわしい
  • On: フン
  • Meaning: distract, be mistaken for, go astray, divert
  • Examples:
    紛争ふんそうdispute, trouble, strife
    紛糾ふんきゅうcomplication, confusion, disorder
    紛失ふんしつlosing something
    紛れまぐれfluke, chance
    紛れるまぎれるto be diverted, to slip into
    紛らわしいまぎらわしいconfusing, misleading, equivocal, ambiguous
    紛いまがいimitation, sham, -like
    紛らすまぎらすto divert, to distract
    紛らわすまぎらわすto divert, to distract
    紛れ込むまぎれこむto disappear into, to slip into, to be lost in, to be mixed up with