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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1521
  • Kun: ふる.う
  • On: フン
  • Meaning: stirred up, be invigorated, flourish
  • Examples:
    興奮こうふんexcitement, stimulation, agitation, arousal
    奮起ふんきstirring, rousing oneself
    奮闘ふんとうhard struggle, strenuous effort
    発奮はっぷんinspired, stimulated, roused
    奮うふるうto show (ability), to wield (power); to screw up one's courage
    奮ってふるってenergetically, strenuously, heartily
    奮い立つふるいたつto cheer up
    奮戦ふんせんhard fighting
    孤軍奮闘こぐんふんとうfighting alone
    昂奮こうふんexcitement, stimulation, agitation, arousal