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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:24
  • Kun: わ.ける, わ.け, わ.かれる, わ.かる, わ.かつ
  • On: ブン, フン, ブ
  • Meaning: part, minute of time, segment, share, degree, one's lot, duty, understand, know, rate, 1%, chances, shaku/100
  • Examples:
    分けわけsharing, division; draw, tie
    分けるわけるto divide, to separate, to make distinctions, to differentiate (between)
    自分じぶんmyself, yourself, oneself, himself, herself; I, me
    部分ぶぶんportion, section, part
    分野ぶんやfield, sphere, realm, division, branch
    十分じゅうぶんplenty, enough, sufficient, satisfactory, adequate; division into ten; perfectly, thoroughly, fully, in full
    処分しょぶんdisposal, dealing, punishment
    残った分のこったぶんamount left over
    気分きぶんfeeling, mood