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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1709
  • Kun: わ.く, わ.かす
  • On: フツ
  • Meaning: seethe, boil, ferment, uproar, breed
  • Examples:
    沸かすわかすto boil, to heat; to excite; to melt (metal)
    沸騰ふっとうboiling, seething
    沸き起こるわきおこるto well up, to burst, to arise
    湯沸かし器ゆわかしきwater-heater, water-boiler
    沸き返るわきかえるto boil up, to break out, to arise, to seethe; to get excited, to be in uproar
    沸くわくto grow hot (of water, etc.), to boil; to be in a state of excitement, to get excited, to take place energetically
    煮沸しゃふつboiling up
    沸き出すわきだすto gush out
    沸き上がるわきあがるto boil up, to come to the boil, to seethe; to arise, to break out; to get excited, to be in uproar
    沸き立つわきたつto boil up, to ferment, to seethe