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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:641
  • Kun: はば
  • On: フク
  • Meaning: hanging scroll, width
  • Examples:
    はばwidth, breadth
    大幅おおはばfull width, large scale, drastic
    幅広いはばひろいextensive, wide, broad
    走り幅跳びはしりはばとびrunning long jump
    小幅こはばsingle-breadth cloth, approx. 36 cm wide
    値幅ねはばprice range or fluctuation
    振幅しんぷくamplitude (of vibration), swing of pendulum
    幅広はばひろwide width (e.g. cloth)
    川幅かわはばwidth of a river
    全幅ぜんぷくoverall width, wing span, all, every, utmost