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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1604
  • Kun: ふ.せる, ふ.す
  • On: フク
  • Meaning: prostrated, bend down, bow, cover, lay (pipes)
  • Examples:
    降伏こうふくcapitulation, surrender, submission
    起伏きふくundulation; ups and downs, highs and lows
    伏線ふくせんpreparation, foreshadowing, underplot (in a novel), precautionary measures
    伏兵ふくへいambush, troops in ambush
    潜伏せんぷくconcealment, hiding, ambush, incubation
    山伏やまぶしmountain priest, itinerant Buddhist monk
    伏流ふくりゅうsubterranean stream
    待ち伏せまちぶせperforming an ambush
    伏するふくするto crouch, to stoop, to bend down, to prostrate oneself, to lie down; to yield, to submit, to surrender; to hide, to conceal oneself
    伏してふしてbowing down, humbly, respectfully