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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1679
  • Kun: はだ
  • On: フ
  • Meaning: skin, body, grain, texture, disposition
  • Examples:
    皮膚ひふ, ひフskin
    皮膚科ひふか, ヒフかdermatology
    皮膚病ひふびょうskin disease
    はだ, はだえskin; body (in the context of intimate bodily contact); surface, grain (e.g. of wood), texture; disposition, temperament, character, type
    学者膚がくしゃはだscholarly bent of mind
    完膚なきまでかんぷなきまでcompletely, thoroughly, horribly, without exception, until there's no untouched (undamaged) part
    完膚無きまでかんぷなきまでcompletely, thoroughly, horribly, without exception, until there's no untouched (undamaged) part
    完膚無き迄かんぷなきまでcompletely, thoroughly, horribly, without exception, until there's no untouched (undamaged) part
    山膚やまはだmountain's surface, bare surface of a mountain
    皮膚移植ひふいしょくskin graft, skin transplant