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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:776
  • Kun: う.く, う.かれる, う.かぶ, む, う.かべる
  • On: フ
  • Meaning: floating, float, rise to surface
  • Examples:
    浮き彫りうきぼりrelief, embossed carving
    浮揚ふようfloating (in the air)
    浮動票ふどうひょうswing vote
    浮かべるうかべるto float; to express, to look (sad, glad); to think, to imagine, to remember
    浮上ふじょうsurfacing, rising to the surface
    浮きうきfloat (fishing), buoy
    浮世絵うきよえukiyoe (color print of everyday life in the Edo period) (colour)
    浮かび上がるうかびあがるto rise to the surface
    浮気うわきextramarital sex, affair, fooling around; infidelity, wantonness, unfaithfulness, inconstancy, fickleness, caprice
    浮沈ふちんfloating and sinking, rise and fall, ebb and flow, ups and downs