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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:335
  • Kun: おっと, そ.れ
  • On: フ, フウ, ブ
  • Meaning: husband, man
  • Examples:
    夫人ふじん, ぶにん, はしかしwife, Mrs, madam; wife of a nobleman (aristocrat, etc.); consort of the emperor
    夫婦ふうふ, めおと, みょうとmarried couple, spouses, husband and wife, couple, pair
    夫妻ふさいman and wife, married couple
    工夫くふうscheme, device, scheming, devising, figuring out, coming up with, solving ingeniously; dedication to spiritual improvement (esp. through Zen meditation)
    大丈夫だいじょうぶsafe, all right, OK, okay
    丈夫じょうぶhealthy, robust, strong, solid, durable
    義太夫ぎだゆうgidayuu (form of ballad drama)
    老夫婦ろうふうふan old couple
    亡夫ぼうふmy deceased husband, my late husband